Monday, January 27, 2020
The Law Of Attraction
The Law Of Attraction Ever since human beings evolved, only the strongest, fittest, and wisest survive. But now, with the discovery and development of medicine and the study of the structure of the human body, all humans can live healthy lives. However, there are many things that are yet to be discovered and people seek to find that knowledge and understand more about how things work. Day by day the curiosity of many scientists, philosophers, and physicists increases as they want to know more about how the universe works and if there exists another universe with other unknown beings and if human beings can have the power to control what happens in the universe. Fortunately, this power exists and all human beings use it without even knowing so. This power is called the law of attraction, the science of attracting more of what a person want[s] and less of what s/he doesnt (Losier, 2007). The law of attraction was known by some people many centuries ago but not many people understood when it started and how it works and therefore was hidden as a secret treasure that if found, will change the world. The law of attraction began at the beginning of time (Byrne, 2006). It can even be found in ancient writings way before Christ. The existence of such law was even recorded on the Emerald tablet, 3000 BC As within, so without. which means that a person from within is the cause and the person without is the effect; the person from the inside controls the outcome of his/her life (Tan, n.d.). And as one of the most spiritual teachers, Buddha, explains: All that we are is the result of what we have thought What we think, we become. Even the most famous historians, like William Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Beethoven, Sir Isaac Newton, and Plato, used this power to achieve what they wanted in life but each person in his own way. For instance, Shakespeare delivered the law in his poetry, Leonardo da Vinci portrayed it in his paintings, and Beethoven expressed it through music (Byrne, 2006). This law of attraction can also be found in religions such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhis m, and Hinduism and it can be found in civilizations as well, like the ancient Babylonians and Egyptians, in their writings and stories. The law of attraction is[r]ecorded throughout the ages in all its forms, it can be found in ancient writings through all the centuries.(Byrne, 2006). Most people know about this law and others dont and some use it unconsciously but they dont know how it works. This law actually works on thoughts. When a person thinks of something, s/he sends out vibrations from the mind to the outside world and these vibrations act as a magnet that attracts what thoughts that person had. For instance, when a person thinks all day about his/her childhood friend, the brain sends out vibrations and attracts things about that friend, eventually, that person may get a phone call from that childhood friend or an e-mail or even somebody may mention something about that particular friend. However, this law of attraction has flaws; it does not recognize negative thoughts. If a person kept thinking like, dont spill on my new shirt or I dont want to fail the course, the law of attraction does not look at the not part it just looks at the key words and acts. Eventually that person will spoil his shirt or fail the course. However, if that person changed his th inking into a positive one and thought My shirt will always be clean or I will pass the course, s/he will not mess up the shirt or will pass. That is why people should be careful when thinking of something; they should always think in a positive way. However, not all people can monitor their infinite thoughts everyday and change every single one of them from negative to positive as this process is exhausting. Fortunately, there is a simple way of altering the way a person thinks into positive thinking and that is by being in a state of joy, happiness, and peace. It is known that when a person is happy, the mind sends out good vibrations that attracts good stuff. That is why happy people live healthy lives as they attract good things to their lives. Many people dont achieve what they really want and they always feel that they are limited to what things they can get in life. Aside from not feeling good about themselves, people dont actually believe in themselves. They dont believe that they can achieve whatever they want in life and that it is impossible. If a person looks at the bright side and believes that nothing is impossible s/he will achieve what s/he really wants. There are three simple steps that can help a person achieve, these steps are to ask, believe, and receive. A person should ask him/herself what s/he really wants and then s/he should believe in it and feel that they will get it or actually they already have that thing s/he wants and then eventually with time that person will receive it. But the most important of these steps is to positively believe that you can make it all happen for you.(Harrington, 2009) On the other hand, Ingrid Hansen Smythe, a freelance writer, disagrees completely with the law of attraction concept. He states that the law of attraction concept seems to me that [it] is like a woman using some form of birth control and then lying back and affirming I will not get pregnant! I will not get pregnant! It seems obvious that it is the birth control, and not the positive thinking, that is getting the job done.(Smythe, 2007). Smythe (2007) argues that when a person wants something s/he has to work hard to get it; there is always something that can help you get what you want. For example, a little boy wants to have a bike. A few months later, his birthday came up and he got some money for his birthday and then he bought himself the bike. In other words, positive thinking is not the only reason behind a person getting what s/he wants; a person cant get what s/he wants just by thinking about it (Smythe, 2007). Moreover, there are many people who suffered in their childhood fr om emotional and sexual abuse, does that mean that these innocent children thought in a negative way and attracted these negative things to themselves? Yes, our attitudes can and do positively improve our lives, but they do not explain suffering or success. All people suffer. We are not our own creations, tidy products of ideology. We are human beings, hopelessly interdependent, ugly and beautiful, both.(Keating, 2009) Although some people might agree that the law of attraction is not a solution to all problems in life and that it is only made for desperate people to believe in something when there is no hope at all, it actually does bring hope to all people in need of it and otherwise and it also helps people take the right path in life and achieve their dreams. As we discussed the origin and how the law of attraction behaves, it showed to be a powerful law that if all people use it and believe in it, I think, the world may be a better place.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Animal Farm: Depicts the Views of Communist Society
Animal Farm The views of communism are not very common today simply because of how impractical they are. The human nature to create hierarchy is a direct contradiction to the views of communist society. Animal Farm is George Orwell’s comment on communism in the form of a satire where the animals on a farm rebel against the farmer and seize control. From the first stirring of rebellion, there are resolutions to keep all animals equal.However, the farm soon went from a utopia to something far from perfect as the pigs slowly take reigned over the other animals. The pigs completely corrupt Old Major’s vision of Animalism by taking special privileges, changing the commandments, and exploiting the animals. At the start of Manor Farm’s transition to animal farm, the pigs rewrite Old Major’s idea of Animalism and Squealer is forced to change the Commandments to fit new circumstances. The first alteration to the Commandments comes after the pigs move into the Mr.Jo nes’ farmhouse. A few animals remember something in the commandment specifically on beds, but cannot muster much because of their inferior intelligence. The ban on sleeping in beds is changed in Napoleon's favor by the addition of the words â€Å"with sheets†to the fourth commandment (â€Å"No animal shall sleep in a bed†. These suspicions are further forgotten as Squealer assures the other animals that the pigs sleep in beds with blankets, and have gotten rid of the sheets.In addition, the pigs start to drink alcohol. When Napoleon gets drunk, many animals are alarmed and shocked, but all that ultimately happens is that the words â€Å"to excess†are added to the fifth commandment (No animal shall drink alcohol). It is evident that Old Major’s speech was in vain as the pigs ignore the old pig’s warnings and start to attain human traits. There is no subtle change to the third or first Commandments about wearing clothes and walking on two le gs.This is because by the time the pigs start to put on clothes and walk on two legs, they are so powerful that it is unnecessary. Instead, all of the â€Å"unalterable laws†are abandoned and Old Major’s inspiring commandments are replaced by the slogan- â€Å"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. †The pigs’ changes to the original views of Animalism causes them to take control and essentially put the farm back into its previous condition before the rebellion.The sole difference was the control of Farmer Jones, and that of â€Å"our Leader, Comrade Napoleon†. George Orwell uses Anima Farm to portray the pitfall of a totalitarian society. Orwell shows his opposition by creating a novel with animals representing different people in the world. The author’s message is a warning of what comes with communistic governments and dictatorships. The pigs and animals on the farm are simply an allusion to the communist societies i n the world today.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
What is the minimum allowance of a college student?
Minimum allowance of a student is base on how much their parents have to give them. We all know that a college student had much greater need than in high school days. We very much interested this issue because every one of us can relate this topic. Mostly of us don’t know how to manage their allowance and organize a budget. To budget your allowance is one way of showing your parents that you can be trusted and you’re responsible enough.We sometimes temp to buy things which are not really important and temp to hang out with friends which are not included in your budgetary allowance. â€Å"For most students, college represents a crash course on how to manage money and organize a budget. If a student has never paid for his or her living expenses, the experience can often be frightening and over whelming. Stick to a budget while at college to enjoy life without sacrificing comfort or taking away from the experience†(frazier, 2006). This study will help you more abou t allowance budget and gives you some extra tips.As students, we often whine about our allowance due to financial dilemmas and we should remember how to budget our allowance or better yet we should be thrifty enough so that in a way we’ll be able to help our parents. The aim of the scheme is to ensure the need to meet day-to-day living expenses doesn’t act as a barrier to full time education for students from low and socio-economic group. Allowance – the amount of something that is experimented especially within set of regulations or for a specified purpose; to put upon a fixed allowance (as to provisions and drinks); to supply in fixed and limited quantity.It states that allowance will be limited we must have to spend it wisely. We should have a self awareness. Some students are doing a part time. â€Å"Part-time students who can show they are not expected to study 21 hours a week or more should still be able to claim Career’s Allowance. The reason why we like to conduct a study regarding the student’s allowance is that we would like to know if how and where they are going to spend their allowance and is it enough in their day-to-day living expenses. There are many reasons why we should have this study.One of the reasons is the behavior of a person. â€Å"Behaviorism identifies mental states with disposition to act in certain input situations†(Crumley, 1978). This has something to do with our interaction to our surroundings, like if someone invites you to go shopping then you know that you don’t have extra budget for it then you should say no to them. The other reason is a decision making. â€Å"Some preliminary work needs to be done before we can come up with a decision that we will not later regret†(Teays, 2006).Example for this is when you go out with friends then you think it’s their treat then you’ll be surprise because you’re asking to contribute. In budgeting they need cost of living. †Student Financial Aid establishes a modest, yet adequate cost of living allowance to determine financial aid eligibility each school year. This allowance includes housing and utilities, food, transportation, personal and miscellaneous, and medical expenses. Student Financial Aid establishes a modest, yet adequate cost of living allowance to determine financial aid eligibility each school year.This allowance includes housing and utilities, food, transportation, personal and miscellaneous, and medical expenses. †Theoretical BackgroundStudents all over the world spend in several different ways, but close market research on student spending indicates that there are several common patterns that can be seen. Spending habits in adolescents is changing drastically in the last few years, but that change is almost uniform in all the metros of the world. Commercialization has begun targeting students' spending habits a very long time ago (IFIM Students Lifestyle and S pending Habits, 2009).According to a study conducted by a bank and financial institution, youths fork over money to buy cell phone load, to play computer games at Internet cafes and to buy cigarettes and alcohol. They also spend money on going out and on clothes and accessories (TJ Manotoc, ABS-CBN News, 2010). Teens hang out and shop. Teens are active consumers in terms of the money they spend, as well as in the influence they wield in their families and on societal trends. Despite being raised in a period of rapid change, they display a remarkable self-confidence in their judgment (Tempo, 2010).A lot of the number of students seems to wants what is the â€Å"in†trend, what people are doing or using â€Å"right now†. Most teens will usually have one or two sources of income, either allowance from their parents or a job. The answer to this question isn't found by looking at the income of the family or social status, it's more a way of living and rearing that the paren ts have given their children (Felipe, 2007). â€Å"Despite the Filipino teens’ having limited budget to spend, low price does not necessarily make any brand a shoo-in for their patronage,†explained Ming Barcelona, TNS Philippines Associate Research Director.â€Å"The TRU study reminds us the mindsets, preferences and purchasing habits of Filipino teens, whether on brand values, the latest product offerings, or on values and social issues should not be ignored,†added Gary de Ocampo, TNS Philippines Managing Director. Statement of the Problem. The study discussed the Student’s Allowance here in La Salle University, Ozamiz City. Specifically, this study seeks answers to the following questions: 1. How did the parents give their allowance to their offspring’s? 2. How much their allowance daily, weekly or monthly? 3. Does the student live by their own budget?Significance of the Study.This study signifies the benefits of all the students in La Salle Un iversity for them to be aware to the expenses of their parents, and can be lessen about the financial issues. To overcome such predicament, there are many ways to lessen the problem and one of this is having a part time job so that this dilemma will no longer be the barrier in the academic performance of the student. Also, they must learn to be thrifty and spend their money wisely. For future researchers, it may be nice if you include the effects. V. Scope and Limitations. The study focused on the images of the students as wasting their money allowance.Although, researchers thinking as much to settle the proper using of their allowance in order that the days, weeks and months further as they customized. To analyze the different ways by evaluated the rules. The researchers used and limits this study to the image of women as students allowances in selected different models. These images of transforming were examined and compared to the students today. The researchers choose this topic for the study to show the value of womanhood by understanding deeply the roles of student and are able to understand the story of different time.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt ) Essay - 1522 Words
Katie Empson S00191137 Assignment 1: Essay COUN222 What treatment approaches (if any) would you consider for these characters and why? Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that explores the notion that an individuals thoughts, beliefs and interpretations about themselves and the situations they are placed in are directly associated with their emotional responses and behaviour (Otte, 2013); that is, an individuals cognitive functions have a strong influence over their feelings and behaviours surrounding specific situations rather than external factors such events or other people and so, CBT follows the belief that by changing or challenging the way in which an individual perceives their thoughts and feelings can significantly reduce their symptoms and improve their overall functioning and quality of life (Hofmann, Asnaani, Vonk, Sawyer Fang, 2013). In CBT the patient is an active participant in the therapeutic process, collaborating with the therapist to modify their problematic behavioural patterns and to build new, healthy schemas. CBT is frequently used for the treatment of anxiety disorders (Otte, 2013). Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent class of mental disorders with a lifetime prevalence rate of 28.8% respectively (Hofmann Smits, 2008). Anxiety is a negative mood state characterised by bodily symptoms of tension and apprehension about the future (Barlow Durand, 2015). Although anxiety is a normal and often beneficial humanShow MoreRelatedCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )2001 Words  | 9 PagesINTRODUCTION Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is ubiquitous and a proven approach to treatment for a host of diverse psychological difficulties (Wedding Corsini, 2014). There are copious of acceptable created experiments that show to be highly useful in treating anxiety disorders through GAD Generalized Anxiety Disorder approach (Fawn Spiegler, 2008). The purpose of this assignment is to expound on the client’s demography and demonstrating concern. The first procedure in this assignment willRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )937 Words  | 4 PagesFirst and foremost, what is cognitive behavioral therapy? The Mayo Clinic website defines cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as a common type of psychotherapy, talk therapy, wherein the individual seeking therapy works with a mental health counselor in a structured way for a prescribed set of meeting. (web citation) CBT is a goal oriented therapeutic approach which allows the individual in therapy to identify troubling situations or conditions in their life; allows the individual to become awareRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1373 Words  | 6 PagesLiterature Review Cognitive behavioral therapy is a widely-used technique that is practiced in a variety of different fields across the spectrum. Cognitive behavioral therapy is derived from the cognitive behavioral theory. According to Dorflinger (2016), Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a therapy approach that addresses maladaptive thoughts and behaviors that can negatively impact mood and overall function (p. 1286). Cognitive behavioral therapy is a mix between cognitive therapy and behaviorRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1257 Words  | 6 Pages Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a short-term, empirically valid amalgamation of facets from cognitive and behavior therapies. Cognitive-behaviorists believe that psychological problems stem from maladaptivity in both thought and behavior patterns, whether self-taught or learned from others. Therefore, changes have to take place in both thoughts and actions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is structured as collaboration between clie nt and therapist, focusing on the present. A prominent aspectRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt ) Essay935 Words  | 4 PagesCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic approach that is based on a combination of cognitive and behavioral therapy. CBT focuses on how a person’s distorted thought process and inaccurate belief system influences their mood and behaviors. Once it can be identified, the blended therapy aims to change a person’s thinking to be more adaptive and healthy, which will lead to change unhealthy behavior patterns (National Institute of Mental Health, 2015). This type of psychotherapy has beenRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1697 Words  | 7 PagesCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one therapeutic approach that is capable of providing this group with effective psychotherapeutic treatment and interventions as well as approaches that enhances the effectiveness and efficiency of group therapy. Often developed for sk ills training, cognitive-behavioral groups are characterized by the use of practical interventions focused on behavior modification techniques (Wilson, Bouffard, and Mackenzie; 2005). The therapeutic goal of cognitive behavioralRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1417 Words  | 6 Pagesgoals. In review of Elizabeth’s assessment, the models of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Psychotherapy will be reviewed in detail to determine which is best to be applied to her presenting clinical symptoms. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely utilized intervention within the field of social work practice. According to Hepworth (2011), it is considered to be the cornerstone of cognitive behavioral approaches (p.408-09). CBT focuses on the premise that thoughts trigger an emotionalRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt ) Essay1717 Words  | 7 PagesCognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an insight-focused therapy that emphasizes the here-and-now. It is typically brief and time-limited, collaborative in nature, fairly structured and empirically based (Freeman, Felgoise, Nezu, Nezu, Reinecke, 2005). Aaron Beck is a major name that arises when discussing the origins of CBT. Beck (1970) contends that individual perceptions of events shape feelings and behaviors. This theory places emphasis on the concept of automatic thoughts. Automatic thoughtsRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )1990 Words  | 8 PagesCognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a branch of ps ychotherapy that encompasses several approaches; falling under the heading of CBT. CBT is based on the premise that people s emotional responses and behavior are strongly influenced by cognitions; the fundamental principle being: different cognitions give rise to different emotions and behaviors. CBT was developed out of a combination of both behavior and cognitive principles. CBT is the most empirically supported therapy model and is used toRead MoreCognitive Behavioral Therapy ( Cbt )2209 Words  | 9 Pagesto get the support they need because they do not have the appropriate resources. Furthermore, both therapy and medication do cost a price and not everyone is able to afford it. Treatment, such as therapy, is extremely important for people who suffer from anxiety and depression so that they are able to learn new strategies and overcome their struggles. In particular, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has become very popular and is currently being used by many practitioners in order to change patterns
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