Tuesday, October 29, 2019
What did i learned from this class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
What did i learned from this class - Essay Example It is important to note that different people have different forms and styles of leadership which are based on unique aspects. These help them to address the immediate or contemporary society and to ensure that the organization they are in is able to achieve its set objectives. Dealing with the junior staff or the employees in an organization is never an easy task if the leader who is bestowed with the responsibility of overlooking their activities is not competent. Many leaders result to intimidation as a way of passing their ideologies to the juniors. On the other hand great leaders engage the people they are administrating and get to learn their characters. Having done that it is increasingly easy to know the best way to approach different situations without causing much anticipation or havoc in the organization. Another thing that many leaders fail in handling is change. When one is transferred to a new environment and give a leadership position, it is important to survey the environment and know how they live before imposing new rules that may face much unimportant resistance that could have been avoided in the first place. This work will therefore look at the aspects of leadership learnt in this course and how one can develop his leadership skills to become a good leader in the future. In this course I have learnt the following leadership traits that a good leader should have. Some leadership are born with some traits while other develop them in the course of their lives. The best thing is to be ready to learn and be corrected whether in power or not. A leader should be aware of the environment he is working in. When one assumes the leadership position in a given organization, the first thing is to understand his roles. There his roles to the management and his roles to the employees who will be looking up to him. The responsibility and task of ensuring that things run well in the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Legal Requirements and Frameworks for Childcare
Legal Requirements and Frameworks for Childcare Precious Toe Ngwu Task 1 Summaries the current legal requirements for those working children. This should include reference to 6 learning goals and how they could be implemented in a child care setting. Current legal requirements for those working with children whether in the home setting, work place, school or other local authorities has be set out in the childrens Act 2006 which was designed with principles to guide and support the children. The Act 2006 guide the child care setting to follow the Early Years Foundation Stage learning in all setting to achieve the 6 learning goals to have the children acquired all the knowledge, skill and understanding they need by the time they are leaving the setting to school or nursery etc. The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage sets out the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five as development matters at the early stages of the child. The 3 prime areas are particularly crucial in promoting effective learning and development during the Early Years Foundation Stage. Communicating and language development- involves giving the children opportunities to experience a rich language environment. It develops their confidence and skills in expressing themselves: to speak and listen. The setting are to encourage the children communication skills in the activities around the learning area. Physical Development- this provide opportunities for young children to be active and interactive to develop their coordination, control and movement. All activities planned with in the setting should aim at teaching the children how to be healthy and the importance of exercising. Personal, social and emotional development- the activities planned in the setting should help develop a positive sense of themselves and others. It helps them to form positive relations and develop social skills and develop respect for others. To learn how manage feelings, to understanding appropriate behavior in groups and to have a sense of confidence in own abilities. In my class (preschool, I do circle time with the children and encourage them to work in pairs, speak about their feeling over the week end). The 6 learning goals which are Personal Social and Emotional Development, Understand the World, Physical Development, Mathematics, Literacy and Expressive Arts and Design are to be taught to suit the requirements of the Regulations and the diversity of the children within the provision/setting and this is to done with no exceptions. The learning goals are there to enable the child care provider educate the children and to assess them to ascertain their achievements. Every child has the right to do every activities that is within the 6 learning goals, so by the time they reach 5 years old, they would have acquired the academic year and requirements. The setting should meet several learning goals that will spark children’s interest and enthusiasm for learning, support well-being and sense of belonging. It is important that in the setting, parents and practitioners work to achieve the early learning goals and for the children to be safe and healthy. All early year settings need to be consistency and have good quality for every child to have good progress. In so doing no child will be left behind. Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates. The framework covers the education and care of all children including children with special needs and disabilities. Task 2 Explain what is meant by respecting and valuing individuality, and how to devise a plan of how this can be implemented in the child are setting. A table format may be used for this task. Respect is a deep feeling admiration for someone because of their abilities, qualities, or achievements. It is also a sense of worth or excellence of a person and a way of treating or thinking about someone. Valuing is a reference against which to measure the virtue of an individual’s values and culture. Therefore, it is important to become more aware of the individual both in themselves and others so that the children will respond with respect and awareness of individual needs. Respecting and valuing children’s individuality means accepting them, for who they are as individuals. This is very important for the development of the children. When children are treated with respect and valued, they will aspirate to their expectations. The basics of anti-bias is recognising others individuality with both adults, children and young people all have different strengths, talents and attitudes. This in itself tells you that people respond differently. Respecting and valuing children’s individuality means accepting them, for who they are as individual. This is important for the development of children. When children are treated with respect and are valued, they will aspirate to their expectations. Respecting and valuing a child will bring in the best in him or her. It is also a 2 way street when you respect and value a child, most of the time he or she will do the same to you. When a child is not respected or valued they would not realize their self-worth. Care givers should praise, cheer and encourage a child on their own individual qualities, what makes them unique. No child is the same every human being is different in his or her own way, to foster good citizenship in each child treat him or her as an individua l. When children are not accepted for who they are it can greatly affect their growth and development. Valuing and respecting- Is showing that we are comfortable with their differences and with young children it means acknowledging that they may have particular interest and help then to build on it by showing them you are for â€Å"what they stand for†so from an early age young children need to be taught respecting and valuing individuality. The setting should be able to encourage the children to work with each other and talk about diversity, culture as they plan and set up a classroom rules. Respect Honesty Courtesy Commitment Equality Justice Kindness Trust As we are all different so are our values. It is important that children, young people understands values and a good values are instilled early on to enable them grow into well-rounded, decent young adults. Children to listen to each other Children to help in the setting implement policy for valuing and respecting each other. Encourage the children share and do a display with them about diversity/cultures Individual planning (meet needs and interest of the child) also needs and interest are identified. Task 3-Evaluate the benefits of consistency with regard to positive and negative behaviuors, and identify strategies that can be used to encourage setting. Positive behavior is important. When we consistently and lovingly meet the needs of the young child in our care, secure attachment are formed. Child now develop secure attachments to more than one adults, that child/children are more likely to develop positive social and emotion skills. They know that they can rely on adults to meet their needs, to respond to them, and to comfort them. This will make the child important and begin to develop a sense of competence and confidence. -Children and young children needs to be part of the setting out of the rules for positive behavior. This will enable them take ownership of any consequences and they will keep it. It is important not to say no but encourage the positive words to tell the child what to do get the childs attention, use words like, â€Å"good listening, good boy or girl†. Be specific, keep it simple, use enthusiasm to encourage the child and also comment positive comments and encouragement in front of others. Praise the children good work and thank the child for acts. Use a warm, engaging and reinforcing the positive behaviours encourages the child to do well and act will. Always work out the rules with the children for the settings in a group which could become a behaviour policy for the child care setting and encourage them to put it up with you. It is better to influence the childs behaviour rather than control it. This is very important as it is beneficial for both the child care provider and the child, the earlier a child is established right from wrong it gets easier for the child to develop in all areas. This should be consistent. Negative behaviour: negative behaviour is very distressing and frustrating when it is not managed appropriately for the one receiving end. It is good to keep it simple when explain to a child why he/she is behaviour is not helping or accepting by using positive words and remaining them of the boundaries set out in the child care setting. It best to focus more on their positive than negative behaviours. The child care setting need to address that at some point, consistently letting the children to know that negative behaviours are not accepted and they need to understand what can be allowed and what cannot be accepted. I do circle time with my preschoolers and in the circle we discuss about our behaviours and how to improve on it. And I made them to understand that bad behaviours are not awarded. We only reward good behaviours not the bad once and there are more consequences. It’s good as the child care provider to have a good tone of voice, but be consistent it goes a long way. The child will than start to build a relationship with that adult and it will encourage that child to stop saying no etc. The self-esteem, confidence and trust will come back. But make sure the setting identify the problem and work with the child and all will fall into place. Task 4- Describe the process involved in managing conflict between children and adults. You should refer to at least one behavioural theorist in your answer I will like to start off by saying that, Firstly, identifying the underlying conflicts aim and hidden agendas that drive the dispute in the first place. Children are emotional and are not ready to begin a process of resolution. It’s a step by step process and it takes patience and consistency. -approach the child/children calmly at his or her eye level using a gentle touch. Acknowledge that there is a problem/issue and suggest some ways to calm them down. I usually use the 1-10, it always work with my preschoolers. I also tell them to breathe in and out. Children need to be taught how to express their emotions without violence/ mood swings. -you the adult should not find fault in the matter or blame, because one child is always in the wrong. Stay neutral. Listen to the child/children and make sure they know you are listening to them and they are been hard by the adult. Make sure that children in the conflict talk about their needs and wants. Most of the time the issues are the â€Å"want†, the adult should stay on the want. The adult should show interest in what they are saying by noddy the head, acknowledge the feelings of each child by helping give the feeling a name e.g. frustrated etc. After defining the problems, help the children find a solution to solve the problem. If the solution is not resolved the adult will have to start again. As Dennise Colwell and Lindsey- Texas Tec University founder-gender differences children when identifying areas of conflict. So the solution is going to be what type of conflict it is. Boys and girls. Girls tended to have more conflicts with each other (peers) over thing said, displaying a child-to child conflict whereas the boys areas of conflict manifested themselves in form of disobeying the teacher. It also goes on to say â€Å"in resolving conflict, it was interesting to note that girls used peer resolution, and the boys relied on the teacher as a facilitator to resolve the conflict. In both ways the adult has a vital role to play be restoring and helping the children control their feelings. Vygotsky research†- stated that conflict with girls are words and conflict with boys are action.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Effective Communication Skills in a Diverse Workplace Essay -- work, j
As we all know diversity plays a big part in United States today, so the focus of this essay will be on effective communication skills in a diverse workplace, we’re going to find out the barriers of communication between different cultures, how important is diversity to all corporation/organization and how to improve our communication style/skills and how to become better listeners in order to avoid any lack of communication in the near future interactions. Anybody in a work environment having a good understanding of effective communication skills in a diverse workplace entails will enhance every person’s ability to experience a successful and professional work experience. Misinterpretations in the workplace can be rooted from a variety of cultural differences among distinctive ethnic backgrounds. Lack of proper communication skills in diverse workplace can cause many discrepancies among co-workers. People live in an increasingly complex world. Effective communication between fellow co-workers from different cultural backgrounds ensures a very successful organization. As we already know in today’s workplace it is very important to be able to communicate with our fellow’s co-workers. If you ever been around and listened to a monotone person communicate, it’s hard to understand their feelings on a subject. Unless they incorporate their gestures and tone, we are not going to be able to see their point of view and understand their meanings. We live and work around different cultures which it make us more aware of the different people around us, by dealing with diversity on the daily basic this will help us communicate better in the Workplace as well as personal interactions. â€Å"We live in a diverse society and career success de... ... and communication. Great communication always starts at the top. For us to become great communicators we first need to be great listeners. Works Cited Ronald B. Adler, Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Communicating at Work Columbus, OH McGraw-Hill Companies, 2004. Judy C. Pearson, Paul E Nelson, Scott Titsworth, Lynn Harter. Human Communication. Columbus, OH McGraw-Hill Companies, 2003. Certo, Samuel C. (2008). Supervision concepts &ump; skill-building. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin Maxwell, John C. (1999). The 21 indispensable qualities of a leader. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. Conrad, C. & Poole, M. Strategic Organizational Communication in a Global Economy. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2002. McNamara, C. Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision for Nonprofit Staff. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Authenticity Consulting, LLC., 2003.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Literature of the Western World Essay
The hallmarks of the epic hero represent different traits like possessing super-human or superior, being courageous and intellectual, and being responsible and strong leader. The epic hero undergoes phases of struggle in the journey of self-discovery against the constraints in the societal changes. In the poem Odyssey, the main character Odyssey struggles on the way to self-discovery until he overcomes the obstacles and in his venture to fend off the suitors of his wife Penelope. Odyssey has all the qualities of an epic hero for he is brave, courageous, superior strength, and intelligence wins him back his wife (Wilkie & Hurt, 1998, p 19). In the poem Iliad by Homer, the epic hero, Achilles although in some aspects is different epic hero; he has pride and arrogance that characterize the epic heroes (132). In the Aeneid by Virgil hero is more of improvised and imitated than it is the case of epic hero. The Aeneid is derivative for it borrows from Homer and contextualizes it in Roman and Virgilian. The individualistic view is portrayed in Iliad depicting the characters from his own judgment at his time but not according to the canonical standards (273). In the epic of Gilgamesh, the main character Gilgamesh has all the qualities of an epic hero because he goes out of his way to serve his people and show respect to those who reciprocate his actions to them. Pride is his tragic flaw; Gilgamesh learns his lessons after losing his arrogance. He has great hero’s attributes because he is great leader, ready to sacrifice his life for his people and thus he fits in the Heroic Code (973). The Sophocles play Oedipus Rex is the greatest tragedies the Elizabethan era has ever produced. The plot revolves around Oedipus and the prophesy of the oracle. In the play after prophesy is fulfilled, plague affects Thebes and King Oedipus is committed unravel the cause. When he consults the oracle, it is like a person going through a process of gradual self discovery where he is told of the murder of King Laius. Oblivious of his own destruction, Oedipus follows each hint to the discovery from which he promises to punish the culprit. When Oedipus accuses Tiresias of blindness, it is Oedipus who is blind because he does not consider himself as the person who might have committed the murder crime. He lacks vision and he is like a dog trying to bite its tail. The image of blindness is effective in the play because those who are blind like Tiresias who is the prophet have vision and insights to matters that those with sight like Oedipus cannot see. Oedipus is ignorantly blind although he has eyes to see. Though physically blind, Tiresias can ultimately see what Oedipus is ignorant of (741). In the epic poem Paradise Lost by Milton, the persona expresses the frustrations of the fact that he cannot see and therefore not able to sufficiently serve God. Wilkie and Hurt (1998) points out that just like play where Oedipus learns of Tiresias vision; the persona of the poem grasps the fact that he can use positively his physical impairness as part of God’s work (2099). There are different forms of poems raging from odes, elegies, sonnets, and pastorals. Ode is a lyrical poem that is a moderate piece dealing with serious subject matter. Romanticism poets utilized odes to explore problems of general and personal matter. An example of ode poem is Ode to a Nightingale by Keats that praises the famous Nightingale for the servitude to others. An elegy is a classical poem which is made up of couplets where the poem is about lamentation for loss of something or a person. The poem revolves around reflection of things that were shared in life and nostalgic remembrance of the vanished past. The main theme explored is death. An example of elegy; A memory of a sister by Thomas Hardy where the speaker nostalgically remembers his dead sister. Pastoral poem explore on leisure and some of the example is Milton’s Lycidas (842). Pastoral poem is viewed as sub-group of elegies for focus is on the subject of mourning and of love. The distinguishing factor is that they dwell on the idealized rather than focusing on the realistic aspects of life. Sonnet on the other hand is a poem that consists of fourteen lines and is of two kinds; the Petrarchan and the Elizabethan sonnets. The Petrarchan sonnet is composed of two parts; one with eight lines and the other with six while the Elizabethan sonnet entails three segments of four lines and the concluding two lines called a couplet. A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway is an example of an Elizabethan sonnet (879). In analyzing the nature and effect of the â€Å"framework tale†in the Canterbury Tales, The 1001 Nights, and the Decameron, the social life from the classical period is explored. The Canterbury Tales explores the pilgrims’ journey to gain forgiveness and blessings in travel that represents a section of the society in England then. In the epic journey, Chaucer explores the Elizabethan society infusing it with romantic scenes. Martyrs, miracles, and curses are ultimately explored in death where the journey is all about discovery among the travelers where societal virtues and morals which are imparted upon generations while vices are despised via the symbolic journey (1670). In The 1001 Nights by Al-Jahshiyari is Arabic literary works that has had influence in European literary works. Just like the Canterbury Tales, The 1001 Nights explores on religious journey of the Arabs in their quest to find more about spiritual fulfillment. Its oriental function is important for it is equated to the Elizabethan society’s journey through the classical portrayal in self-discovery (1572). The Decameron explores on the mediaeval era society where philosophical aspects emerge in the society and ultimately employs divine comedy. Literal aspects in society form part of the message explored while allegorical stories touch on Christianity. Like in classical literature where characters are literary involved in the journey of discovery, these plays have background on the journey via which the characters have to undertake learning important lessons in life (1878). The worldview is literary depicted in the Divine Comedy by Dante where by the society of the Middle Ages was explored on the theological perspective and the Renaissance’s philosophical expanse. The comedy uses the humanistic approach via which the theme of self discovery; the journey in the society towards the affirmation and redemption of the characters in the light of God. The comedy is structured in an epic poem where Christ’s life of resurrecting from death after he had suffered. Analyzing the Divine Comedy, it is paramount to not that it is not about a mythologized hero but reflection on contemporary person. Dante uses humble language in contextualizing the Christ’s message for the reader access. The poetic ingenuity is great because Dante employs his wit through the verse where meditation, dialogue, theological musing, and cosmology are explored carrying the reader through his or her reading. The comedy fits in the concept of contrapasso in the sense that it reflects on the speaker’s suffering in lack of the knowledge of redemption to eternal light. The suffering in Hell is brought out in the medieval belief and the society has to undergo the divine justice for eternal redemption of the sinners who form the society (1405). Reference Wilkie, B & Hurt, J. (1998). Literature of the Western World: The Ancient World through the Renaissance (5th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A study of Reading Habits Analysis Essay
Poetry The theme of the poem is that trying to ignoring reality does not solve any problems. The speaker dives deeps into books to hide from his day to day problems. However, he does no benefit from this when his eyes go bad from reading. In the end, the speakers problems caught up with him and he could no longer escape from them in books. He unfortunately turned to alcohol to solve his problems. Larkin demonstrates the theme by hinting the character traits of his persona. Also Larkin uses elements such as tone, metaphors, similes, allusion and symbols to create a deeper understanding of the theme. â€Å"A Study of Reading Habits†is somewhat of dry title, but as the poem progresses, it starts to make more and more sense. The poem is about the progression of a mans life, from his childhood to his adult life. He grew up loving books because he could escape from reality. However, reading books became a habit to escape everyday hardships. But overtime the books started reminding him of his own life and he could no longer escape. In his youth, the speaker would use reading to get away from different things such as school and bullies. He did not care if reading ruined his eyes because in books he could imagine anything and escape reality. He could imagine being cool and fighting the bullies â€Å"twice my size†(line 6). Later on, during adolescence, the speaker liked reading darker books. His eyes were starting to go bad from reading so he had to wear â€Å"inch-thick specs†(7). He enjoyed the evilness of his books. With his â€Å"cloak and fangs†(9) , he would have sex with women and humiliate them . Now, in the present, the speaker doesn’t read anymore because the stories are too closely related to his issues. He can no longer escape his problems regarding his lousy life. As a result, the speaker condemns books altogether stating that they â€Å"are a load of crap†(18) and turns to alcohol to resolve his problems. He recommends to â€Å"get stewed†(17) instead of reading. The speaker in this poem speaks in first person. The imaginative person envisions a fantasy world where he could be cool and â€Å"deal out the old right hook†to his bullies (5). The speaker is also lonely. In the final stanza the speaker realizes that he doesn’t know how to face reality. His whole entire youth was created through fictional books and now the more mature books, highlight his lonesome. Additionally, the speaker is resentful. During his childhood, books were of so much value to him. They were worth â€Å"ruining my eyes†(3). But the books in that time were fictional, and most likely of superheroes and other fictional idols. Later on, the speaker realizes he is not equipped for reality and believes â€Å"books are a load of crap†(18). The speaker’s tone is disappointed and bitter. There was a smooth, euphonic quality to the words in the beginning stanza. This emphasized how easygoing and fantasy-like childhood can be. Also, there was alliteration in line 6. The text â€Å"dirty dogs†was symbolism of the persona’s bullies. This alliteration illuminated upon the name calling present in youth. Additionally, the poem contained a rhyme scheme within stanzas. The poem is about the speaker’s life progression. Each stanza represents a different stage in life. The first stanza represents his childhood, the second stanza represents the speaker’s adolescence and in the final stanza the speaker comes to terms with reality that he can no longer hide behind books. He realizes that his world is less fulfilling than the fantasies portrayed in books. He feels betrayed by books and his tone becomes bitter. As the speakers life progresses throughout the stanzas, his views on books become contradictory. The very first line in the poem pertains to the speakers’s love â€Å"of getting [his] nose in a book†(1). On the contrary, the final stanza represents the speaker’s new feelings towards books. Compared to the first line, the very last line states that the speaker believes books are a worthless â€Å"load of crap†(18). In this poem Larking uses literary devices such as a metaphor and a simile. The line â€Å"the chap who’s yellow and keeps the store, seem far too familiar†(15-17) functions as imagery. The speaker is characterizing the character is his stories as the color yellow. The color yellow has negative connotations such as cowardice, faithlessness and betrayal, which is exactly how the speaker is feeling about his book at this stage in his life. This metaphor produces the effect of a cowardly or faithless character, who evidently relates to the speaker. The authors use of a simile is also present in the poem. The simile is obvious in line 12, where the speaker talks about how he thought of women. He did not think much of them and â€Å"broke them up like meringues†in his fantasized worlds. He compares women to meringues, a light, airy, sweet desert. This simile functions as his desire for sexual encounters with women. The poetic device of allusion is also evident in the poem. Allusion is created in the second stanza when the speaker makes the allusion to vampires when describing his interest in dark fictional books. The words â€Å"cloak†and â€Å"fangs†function as characteristics usually related to vampires as well as the word â€Å"sex†, representing his sexual maturity. The speaker’s taste in fictional text matures, along with his sexual interests. Symbolism is evident in the poem. The most obvious symbolism is the poem structure itself. The poem is three stanzas long, each symbolizing a different stage in his life. The first stanza is clearly represents his childhood. The speaker has typical childhood bullies and his tone even seems to be that of a child. As a kid, he reads escape these bullies and to feel better about himself. The second stanza represents his adolescence stage in life. The speakers tone is much more mature and dark as he talks about evil and sex. He also admires the symbol of a vampire and has a stronger sexual drive. Finally the last stanza symbolizes his later years. He starts to realize that he cant escape his problems anymore and even relates himself to the weak characters in his books. Also symbolism is evident when the speaker describes the books he dislikes during adulthood. Lines 13 to 17 talk about characters in books that are cowards or fall short. In line 17, the speaker is uncomfortable with these books because the characters â€Å"seem far too familiar†. The characters in these books function as symbols of the speaker and his lousy life.
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